Advocacy / September 14, 2023
BH Reform Bill Amended To Include CAADPE’s Language Prohibiting Housing Discrimination for MAT

SB 326 (Eggman), the implementing legislation for the Governor’s behavioral health modernization proposal, now includes a provision prohibiting housing and service providers from discriminating against or denying access to individuals undergoing medications for addiction treatment.
Prohibiting Discrimination for MAT
The Administration and the author recognized the need to include this language, which CAADPE had originally drafted for our sponsored bill AB 1339 (which was held in the Appropriations Suspense File). The provision added to the housing interventions section of SB 326 now reads:
Housing interventions shall not discriminate against or deny access to housing for individuals that are utilizing medications for addiction treatment or other authorized medications.
Recovery Housing as a Housing Intervention
Another new amendment, which CAADPE had also requested, clarifies that recovery housing is included in the types of housing interventions provided to eligible recipients.
What's Next?
SB 326, along with the housing bond bill AB 531, if passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor, as expected, will appear on the March 2024 primary election ballot as a single measure.