Advocacy / December 13, 2023
Complete the DHCS Behavioral Health Delivery Systems Credentialing Survey for Providers

The Medi-Cal Behavioral Health is team reaching out to request assistance with a brief survey that the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has developed on credentialing and re-credentialing protocols and timeframes for specialty behavioral health providers operating any one of the three behavioral health delivery systems (Drug Medi-Cal (DMC), Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS), and Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS)).
The survey is designed to help DHCS better understand counties' managed care provider credentialing policies and any related challenges. DHCS will use the survey responses to inform future updates to Medi-Cal Behavioral Health delivery system credentialing policies. (Please note that in this survey, we are referring to the specialty behavioral health credentialing requirements outlined in BHIN 18-019 (SMHS and DMC-ODS) and BHIN 22-070 (DMC).)
Action Requested by January 5, 2024
DHCS is seeking survey responses from specialty behavioral health providers. We invite you to share the DHCS Behavioral Health Delivery Systems Credentialing Survey for Providers with organizations that are currently contracted with one or more counties to provide these services. If possible, DHCS would appreciate receiving one response per organization or entity (we would ask staff working within the same agency to coordinate on a single response). You may also find the cover email template attached. Many thanks in advance!
How to participate:
Open the survey.
Complete the survey. There should only be one response per entity/organization.
Submit your response by 5 p.m. on 1/5/2024.
Please note that DHCS is requesting that survey respondents provide the name of the organization they work for, and the name(s) of the county or counties the organization contracts with for specialty behavioral health services. While DHCS needs this information to understand the statewide landscape on provider credentialing, your organizational information will not be shared. Responses will be solely used to help inform DHCS on state policies related to credentialing and re-credentialing for DMC-ODS counties; to the extent DHCS shares survey findings externally, they will be de-identified.
Thank you in advance for sharing and/or responding to this survey. Please feel welcome to reach out to DHCS’ BH******@dh**.gov mailbox with any questions.